Link-It Server

Link-It Server is the core of the product. It is recommended to install Link-It Server into a folder in a server machine where all CAD users have access to.


1. Double click Link-It installation program to start the installation wizard.

2. Select setup language. This language is ONLY used during the installation. Click  OK  to continue.

3. A welcome page opens. Click  Next>  to continue.

4. License Agreement page opens. Read the Link-It software license agreement. Accept the license agreement and click  Next >  to continue.

5. Enter folder path for Link-It Server installation. Use  Browse…  to search an existing installation folder or to create a new one. Click  Next >   when you are ready.

If the selected folder already exists, a message box appears. Click  Yes  to update your existing Link-It Server installation.

If the entered Link-It Server folder does not exist, the wizard asks you to create a new one. Click  Yes  to create a new folder and to continue the installation.

6. Select a license file. Click  Next >  to continue installation.

7. Select interfaces. Select required CAD interfaces, which will be used from this Link-It installation. Click  Next >  to continue installation.

8. A summary page appears, which shows the selected options. Check values and select  Install  to install Link-It Server software.

9. If the installation was successful, the wizard shows a Completing … page. Click  Finish  to exit.

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