For Creo, Windchill Options & Variants, VariPDM

Link-It® Drive

Easily test and validate configurable product models in 3D during product development

Link-It® Drive provides an intuitive and powerful user interfaces to define product configuration rules in PLM product configurator, and to drive 3D variant representations using PLM configurator rulebase.

With Link-It® Drive user has better control over configuration rules and it saves lots of time by performing automatically time consuming repeatable tasks. Link-It® Drive makes it easy to continuously test and validate configurable product models in 3D during product development. This speeds up the development process and improves the overall quality of your configurable product models.

Benefits of Link-It® Drive

Benefits of Link-It® Drive

  • Get better control and visibility over product's configuration rules
  • Automate error-prone and time consuming routine tasks
  • Increase the quality of configurable product's digital model
  • Close the gap between CAD and PLM product configurator

Link-It® Drive is available for Creo and the following PLM product configurators: Windchill Options & Variants, VariPDM


Thanks to great tools and support from our Software Partners we are able to develop and deliver software with high quality integration to Market leading CAD and PLM systems.

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